Internet Intelligence monitors your assets from vantage points around the world. We also provide insight into market reachability from your current set of Cloud provider regions.


The Performance Map helps you to better understand the current performance reach of your instrumented Cloud provider regions and plan your strategic growth to best approach new markets. The Performance Map also allows you to identify recent performance impacts to your key market regions.

The Cloud analytics view provides insight into service delivery to key global markets from any of the following cloud providers: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Digital Ocean, Google Compute Engine, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace Managed Cloud, and SoftLayer.

When you first open the Cloud Performance view, none of the cloud providers are selected and the map shows no market cities.


Cloud Performance View
Comparison Clouds

You can select all the locations of a Cloud provider or specific locations to calculate latency. Click the box to the left of the location or click the box to the left of the Cloud provider for all locations of that provider. When you select all locations of the Cloud provider, the map shows the lowest latency as the market city’s color code.

Comparison Clouds
Comparison Clouds Map
From the Dashboard page, click Analyze to see a map of your Cloud provider’s performance around the world. Here you can see where global latency is being provided by that provider’s servers. Add services or Cloud providers to the map to compare their performance. Select the check box for a provider to add it to the map. Click on specific locations for further details.
Cloud Comparison Map