NOTE: If you do not have a DynID, or login to Internet Intelligence with Renesys credentials, you will have to access the API via a different URL.
API Requests
GET | /portfolio | None | Retrieve a list of all inventories and assets. |
DELETE | /portfolio | None | Delete all inventories and assets in a portfolio. |
GET | /portfolio/inventories | None | Retrieve all inventories in a portfolio. |
POST | /portfolio/inventories |
Creates an inventory. |
DELETE | /portfolio/inventories/{inventory} | None | Delete a specified inventory. |
PUT | /portfolio/inventories/{inventory} |
Enable or disable monitoring for an inventory. |
GET | /portfolio/inventories/id/assets | None | Retrieve details about one asset. |
GET | /portfolio/assets | None | Retrieves a list of assets. |
POST | /portfolio/assets (one prefix) | (see below) | Add one or multiple assets to one or more inventories. |
DELETE | /portfolio/assets | None | Delete an asset from an inventory. |
GET /portfolio/
You can get a list of all assets and inventories included in your entire portfolio. These assets may be the IP prefixesand ASNs for Internet Routing Alerts and/or the IP Addresses for Internet Performance Alerts. The command to retrieve all the assets of the Portfolio is the same for both Internet Routing Alerts and Internet Performance Alerts APIs.
Legacy URI:
Request Body Fields (JSON):
- None
Example Response (JSON):
[ { "comment": null, "suppressed": { "all": false, "categories": [] }, "monitoring": false, "assets": [ { "comment": "Amsterdam Beacon", "assetType": "prefix", "info": { "geolocation": { "city": "Amsterdam", "country_code": "NL", "admindiv": "Provincie Noord-Holland", "adminsubdiv": null }, "label": "Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)" }, "name": "Beacon Prefix", "inventories": [ "dan3" ], "payload": null, "id": "" } ], "id": "dan3" } ]
DELETE /portfolio/
You can delete all inventories, monitoring configurations, and the portfolio itself. The command is the same for Internet Routing Alerts and Internet Performance Alerts APIs.
NOTE: If you have both Internet Routing Alerts and Internet Performance Alerts, there is only one portfolio for your account. All items for both products will be removed with this command.
Legacy URI:
Request Body Fields (JSON):
- None
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
GET /portfolio/inventories
You can get a list of all inventories in your entire portfolio. These inventories may be used by Internet Routing Alerts, Internet Performance Alerts, or both. The command to retrieve all the inventories of the Portfolio is the same for both Internet Routing Alerts and Internet Performance Alerts APIs.
Legacy URI:
Request Body Fields (JSON):
- None
Example Response (JSON):
[ { "comment": null, "monitoring": false, "domain_count": 0, "asn_count": 0, "prefix_count": 1, "ip_count": 0, "cdn_count": 0, "suppressed": { "all": false, "categories": [] }, "id": "example inventory", "cloudzone_count": 0 } ]
POST /portfolio/inventories
Creates an inventory. Monitoring is enabled and disabled per inventory. IP addresses, ASNs, and prefixes, need to be added into an inventory in order to be monitored. An object can belong to one or more inventories simultaneously. Creating an inventory is the first step.
Legacy URI:
Example Request Body (JSON):
Request to create one inventory named Example Inventory:
[ { "id": "example inventory" } ]
Request Body Fields:
- id – The name of the inventory to be created in the format
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
DELETE /portfolio/inventories/{inventory}
When you no longer want an inventory and its assets in your portfolio, you need to delete the inventory and the assets it contains. The command is the same for Internet Routing Alerts and Internet Performance Alerts APIs.
If you have both Internet Routing Alerts and Internet Performance Alerts, inventories are shared between the two products. If you delete an inventory, neither the inventory nor its contained assets will be available for either product.
Legacy URI:{inventory}
Sample URI removing one inventory named your inventory from the portfolio:
Request Body Fields:
- None.
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
PUT /portfolio/inventories/{inventory} (enable monitoring)
Enable or disable monitoring for an inventory. Updating the contents of an inventory is the same request for Internet Routing Alerts and Internet Performance Alerts APIs.
NOTE: If you have both Internet Routing Alerts and Internet Performance Alerts, inventories are shared between the two products. If you update an inventory, the new inventory contents will be available for both products.
Legacy URI:{inventory}
A sample URI for an inventory named “example inventory”:
Example Request (JSON):
Must be a JSON object.
{"monitoring": true, "comment": "This is your comment"}
Request Body Fields (JSON):
- monitoring – Enable alerts for this asset. Values can be either
. - comment – User supplied description of the asset.
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
GET /portfolio/inventories/{inventory}/assets
You can get a list of all inventory assets. The command is the same for Internet Routing Alerts and Internet Performance Alerts APIs.
Legacy URI:{inventory}/assets
Example URI retrieving the assets in an inventory named “example inventory”:
Request Body Fields (JSON):
- None.
Example Response (JSON):
The asset list is included in the response in JSON format and contained in the HTTP body of the response. This example shows a specific IP prefix. ASN and IP address assets are included in the response in a similar way.
[ { "comment": "London Beacon", "assetType": "prefix", "name": "Beacon Prefix", "info": { "geolocation": { "adminsubdiv": "null", "country_code": "GB", "admindiv": "England", "city": "City of London" }, "label": "Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)" }, "inventories": ["example inventory"], "id": "" }, { Similar information for another asset in the inventory }, { Similar information for another asset in the inventory } ]
GET /portfolio/assets
You can get a list of all assets included in your entire portfolio. These assets may be the IP Prefixes and ASNs for Internet Routing Alerts and/or the IP Addresses for Internet Performance Alerts. The command to retrieve all the assets of the portfolio is the same for both Internet Routing Alerts and Internet Performance Alerts APIs.
Legacy URI:
Request Body Fields (JSON):
- None.
Example Response (JSON):
The asset list is included in the response in JSON format and contained in the HTTP body of the response.
[ { "comment": "London Beacon", "assetType": "prefix", "name": "Beacon Prefix", "info": { "geolocation": { "adminsubdiv": "null", "country_code": "GB", "admindiv": "England", "city": "City of London" }, "label": "Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)" }, "inventories": ["example inventory"], "id": "" }, { Similar information for another asset in the portfolio }, { Similar information for another asset in the portfolio } ]
POST /portfolio/assets (add one or multiple assets to an inventory)
Adds one or more assets into an inventory. For an asset to be monitored, it must be added to an inventory. If the inventory does not already exist, it will be created when you add the asset to it. If the inventory already contains the IP address you are adding, your request will be successful even though no action was taken.
Legacy URI:
Sample Request Body (JSON):
Where add_asset.json contains a JSON array of objects. Both IPv4 and IPv6 samples are shown here. The “name” field is optional.
IPv4 Address Example:
[ { "id": "", "name": "Beacon Prefix", "comment": "Amsterdam Beacon", "inventories": ["example inventory"] } ]
Sample request body for to add multiple assets to multiple inventories:
[ { "id": "",, "name": "Sample IP Address 1", "inventories": ["example inventory", "second inventory"] }, { "id": "2010:500:45:1::1", "name": "Sample IPv6 Address", "inventories": ["second inventory"] }, { "id": "12654", "name": "Sample ASN", "inventories": ["example inventory"] } ]
Request Body Fields (JSON)
– The ASN, IP prefix, or IP address to be
– A user defined name for the asset.comment
– A user comment.inventories
– The inventories the asset will be added.
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
DELETE /portfolio/inventories/{inventory}/assets/{asset}
When you no longer want to monitor an asset, it needs to be removed from the inventory. If the asset belongs to more than one inventory, you can remove it from one inventory, or from all inventories where the asset is found. The command is the same for Internet Routing Alerts and Internet Performance Alerts APIs.
NOTE: If you have both Internet Routing Alerts and Internet Performance Alerts, assets are shared between the two products. Deleting an asset from all inventories will make the asset unavailable for both products.
URI to remove one {asset} from one {Inventory}:{Inventory}/assets/{asset}
Legacy URI to remove one {asset} from one {Inventory}:{Inventory}/assets/{asset}
URI to remove one asset {asset} from ALL inventories:{asset}
Legacy URI to remove one asset {asset} from ALL inventories:{asset}
URI remove ALL assets from one {Inventory}:{Inventory}/assets
Legacy URI remove ALL assets from one {Inventory}:{Inventory}/assets
Request Body Fields (JSON):
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content