Posted by & filed under Email Changelog.

New Features:

  • Email message source is now saved for all send issues, so customers and Concierge can better troubleshoot problems
  • User accounts can now be put in “test” mode, which adds a saving of the source of each email the account sends, for troubleshooting purposes (contact Concierge for more information)
  • Monthly purge process is now in place; email, bounce, complaint, send issue, open tracking, and link tracking data older than three months will be purged each 2nd of the month as part of the billing process (link tracking redirects will remain in place for a year)
  • Application error logging/handling has been strengthened in several ways, allowing us to better troubleshoot send and other issues
  • Small but significant improvements have been made to the email sending code

Code Enhancements:

  • Several minor bug fixes have been made, resolving issues with the /reports/sent API method, and bounce/complaint postback retries
  • The reports page now performs faster and smoother, utilizing Ajax to display content more efficiently
  • The bounce code popup now correctly displays only the bounce code(s) instead of the entire header
  • SPF include syntax and SPF check has been updated to reflect the new domain “” (update your DNS records accordingly!)

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