The Traffic Steering API is a RESTful means of accessing Dyn’s Traffic Steering features.

General Information

Traffic Steering brings together Dyn’s robust Internet Intelligence data sources and analytics and Managed DNS services to steer your internet traffic based on real-time network conditions, such as end user performance and asset and availability.

Accessing the API and Managing API Users

To begin using the Traffic Steering API, you will need to add API users to your account, grant them the appropriate group permissions, and generate API keys. Follow the Dyn ID – Create API Users and Keys guide to set up API users.

Note: You will need to have the appropriate entitlements added to your Dyn account to access the Groups necessary for your API. If you do not see the API Groups available for your product, please contact Dyn Support.

Components of Traffic Steering

Traffic Steering is composed of three major components: Policies, Rules, and Answers.






      for what to include in DNS response messages. Policies are attached to domains where those answers are applicable.

Rules: Define the filters that answers must meet to be included in a DNS query response.

Answers: Data to be included in the response to a DNS query.


        A name of your choice for the answer.


        The IP address or CNAME of your cloud provider.


                Your cloud zone.

Dyn’s REST API allows for simple HTTPS interaction with a variety of data encoding formats. The API strives to use appropriate HTTP verbs for each action:


GET Used for retrieving resources.
POST Used for creating resources within a collection.
PUT Used for updating or creating identified resources.
DELETE Used for deleting resources.


The Traffic Steering API supports the JSON (application/json) content type to interact with the REST interface.

Note: Prior to general release of the API application/json will be replaced with the resource-specific application/vdn.dyn.{name}+json.


Each invocation of the API produces a response in the JSON format.

200 OK – The action was successful.
201 Resource was successfully created.
204 Resource was successfully deleted.
400 Error in request.
404 Resource not found.