Email Report – Opens tracks the emails opened by the recipient. In order to get this data, you need to enable Track Opens in Email Account Settings. See Email Track Opens for more information.

For full information on the Filtering features of the Email reports, see Filtering Dashboard Reports.

The graph defaults to the most recent 7 days of open data. If you choose a different time frame for your Opens report, it will change to reflect the report time frame.
Open Emails graph
The Search bar now allows you to search for Opens based on the recipient’s email address or based on a specific domain, such as Search by Recipient Email Address
The Date range allows you to select both date and time.  You can also select a range of hours within a single day.  Use the calendars and time scroll bar to select the date and time.  The field will not accept a typed date/time entry.

TIP:  Searching on a shorter time window returns a smaller, more timely report. Smaller reports also respond faster and download faster than large reports. For example, four weekly reports should respond and download faster than one monthly report.

Date and Time
All Opens records are displayed in one view.  The total Opens count is included at the top of the chart. Detail records will display for up to the past 30 days, while the total Opens count is accurate for up to 3 years of data.  As you scroll down the page, it will populate with the individual detail records. Total Opens Count
The detail records table columns do not allow sorting. They are listed in date ascending order with the oldest record first.

The Stage column reports how long a user spent reading the message.

  • Seen: Under 8 seconds
  • Skimmed: 8-20 seconds
  • Read: Over 20 seconds
Click the Export Results button to save information into a CSV file. You can import the data into a spreadsheet or database program for further data manipulation. Export_Results

Advanced Search Features

To use the advanced search features, click the words Advanced Search in blue on the far right side of the page.
The X-Header search allows for searching by two separate X-Header fields.

The system stores and displays up to 500 characters for each X-Header value, for reporting purposes only.  X-Headers and their values are kept intact within emails that are processed and sent.

The Unique setting defaults to No, meaning that all Opens are counted and listed in the detail report. Shift the Unique setting to Yes to display Opens based on distinct recipients. Email_Clicks_Advanced