NOTE: Total number of records in a single response pool may not exceed 255.

Record Set Failover Chains for Traffic Director identify the records that will be provided as answers for DNS queries in the event the originally identified record is not available.


Configure a Record Set Failover Chain

1. Select Traffic Director from the Add-Ons menu. Add-Ons menu
2. Find the Traffic Director service to where the response pool exists and click the Service Name. Traffic_Director_Svcs
3. Click the expand button Expand Button next to the response pool where the record set exists to view the response pool record sets. GeoMon Response Pool
4. Click Edit in the response pool header to edit the record set failover chain(s). GeoMon Edit
5. To create your record set failover chain, enter a record failover target to be served for DNS queries, and include the preferred DNS answer as the first entry of the record failover target. This ensures that you will be served the preferred answer for the current response pool first.

For example, if you are creating a record set failover chain for the US East Pool, and after selecting your geographic locations you add entries for US West and Europe in your record failover target, the correct configuration for the record failover target for the US East Pool would be US East, US West, Europe.

6. Select Save or Discard to update the response pool header.

Save Button Save the Response Pool Header

Delete Button — Discard the Response Pool Header changes

7. Once the response pool header is saved, a blue bar will appear at the top of the screen offering you a choice to either Publish the changes or to Revert to the state prior to making your changes. Revert or Publish