DNSSEC is a system by which you can create a security signature on the DNS queries to your zone. This enables the querying system to verify that the information received is the correct DNS information based on the security signatures.
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To Configure DNSSEC on your Zone
1. Click Overview or Manage DNS. |
2. Click Manage in the far right column. |
3. Click Zone Options on the menu bar. |
4. Click DNSSEC on the sub-menu bar. |
5. Use the following information to complete the DNSSEC form:
Zone Signing Keys: Select Key Expiration and Key Size.
Defaults are: 1 month from now and 1,024 bits
Key Signing Keys: Select Key Expiration and Key Size.
Defaults are: 1 year from now and 2,048 bits
Notifications: Select a contact person to receive Email notifications.
NOTE: Make sure to select either When a key expires or Weeks before a key expires.
If one of these notifications is not selected, you will NOT be notified when your DNSSEC expires. This will impact your DNS resolution and may lead to increased QPS due to DNS information not being cached. |
6. Click Add DNSSEC to complete the DNSSEC entry. |
Next Step: Register DNSSEC For Your Domain »
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