Recovering the GSLB service or recovering a node IP from an existing GSLB service using the API requires specific syntax depending on whether you are using REST or SOAP. Use this table to find the syntax for your command.
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REST Syntax
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REST/GSLB/ PUT — Recover the GSLB service on the designated zone node or a specific node IP within the service.
HTTP Action — PUT
URI —<zone>/<fqdn>/ |
To Recover a service (Monitor and Obey with AutoRecovery Disabled) — Click for More Info
boolean recover Required. Used for addresses set to ‘Monitor and Obey’ with AutoRecovery Disabled. Equates to the Recover Now button on the web interface.
To Recover a specific node IP within the service (Monitor and Remove) — Click for More Info
boolean recoverip — Required. Used to recover addresses removed due to failover when the address(es) are set to ‘Monitor & Remove’.
string address — Required. IPv4 address or FQDN of the IP address to recover with the recoverip field.
Response — Click for More Info
- string
active — Indicates the status of the service.
Valid values:
Y — The service is active.
N — The service is inactive.
- string
status — The current state of the service.
Valid states:
unk – The service state is not yet known.
ok – There are no problems with the service.
trouble – One or more node_ips are reporting down.
failover – The number of okay node_ips has fallen below failover_count. The service has failed over.
- string
auto_recover — Indicates whether or not the service should automatically come out of failover when the IP addresses resume active status or if the service should remain in failover until manually reset.
Valid values: Y=yes, N=no.
- string
ttl — Time To Live in seconds of records in the service. Must be less than 1/2 of the Health Probe’s monitoring interval.
- string
notify_events — A comma separated list of what events to send notifications on.
Valid values:
ip – Send notifications when individual IPs change status.
svc – Send notifications when the service state changes.
nosrv – Send notifications when an IP labeled ‘Do Not serve’ changes status.
NOTE: SYSLOG Notifications will come from one or both of these IP Addresses: — or —
- string
recovery_delay — The number of consecutive monitoring intervals to delay before placing an IP address back in service. Defaults to 0.
- string
syslog_server — The Hostname or IP address of a server to receive syslog notifications on monitoring events.
- string
syslog_port — The port that the remote syslog server is listening on. Defaults to 514.
- string
syslog_ident — The ident to use when sending syslog notifications. Defaults to dynect.
- string
syslog_facility — The syslog facility to use when sending syslog notifications. Defaults to daemon. Valid Values: kern, user, mail, daemon, auth, syslog, lpr, news, uucp, cron, authpriv, ftp, ntp, security, console, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7
- array
region — A list of regions.
- string
serve_count — How many records will be returned in each DNS response.
- string
min_healthy — If this many addresses aren’t ‘ok’, the service will go into failover; Defaults to 1.
- string
failover_mode — How the region should failover. Defaults to global.
Valid values:
ip – Failover to a particular IP.
cname – Failover to a particular CNAME.
region – Failover to a particular region.
global – Failover to the global IP address pool.
- string
failover_data — Dependent upon failover_mode .
ip – If failover_mode is ‘ip’, this should be an IP address.
cname – If failover_mode is ‘cname’, this should be a CNAME.
region – If failover_mode is ‘region’, this should be a region_code of the failover target region.
global – If failover_mode is ‘global’, this should be empty or omitted.
- string
region_code — Name of the region.
Valid values: US West, US Central, US East, EU West, EU Central, EU East, Asia, global
- array
pool — The IP Pool list for this region.
- string
address — The IP address or FQDN of this Node IP.
- string
label — A descriptive string describing this IP.
- string
weight — A number from 1-15 describing how often this record should be served. Higher means more.
- string
serve_mode — Sets the behavior of this particular record.
Valid values:
always – Always serve this IP address.
obey – Serve this address based upon its monitoring status.
remove – Serve this address based upon its monitoring status. However, if it goes down, don’t automatically bring it back up when monitoring reports it up.
no – Never serve this IP address.
- string
status — The current state of the Node IP.
Valid values:
unk – The state of the IP address is not yet known.
up – The IP address is up.
down – The IP address is down.
- array
log — Recent monitoring logs for this IP.
- string
status — The state of the Node IP at the time of the log entry.
unk – The state of the IP address is not yet known.
up – The IP address is up.
down – The IP address is down.
- string
message — If status is ‘down’, an error message explaining the failure.
- string
time — The time or probe interval when this log entry was generated.
- string
site_code — The airport code of the monitoring site that generated this log entry.
- string
status — The current state of the region.
Valid states:
unk – The service state is not yet known.
ok – There are no problems with the service.
trouble – One or more node_ips are reporting down.
failover – The number of okay node_ips has fallen below failover_count. The service has failed over.
- hash
monitor — The health monitor for the service.
- string
protocol — The protocol to monitor.
- string
interval — How often to run the monitor.
Valid values:
1 – Every minute
5 – Every 5 minutes
10 – Every 10 minutes
15 – Every 15 minutes
- string
retries — How many retries the monitor should attempt on failure before giving up.
- string
timeout — How much time (in seconds) before the connection attempt times out.
- string
port — For HTTP(S)/SMTP/TCP probes, an alternate connection port.
- string
path — For HTTP(S) probes, a specific path to request.
- string
host — For HTTP(S) probes, a value to pass in to the Host: header.
- string
header — For HTTP(S) probes, additional header fields/values to pass in, separated by the newline character (\n).
- string
expected — For HTTP(S) probes, a string to search for in the response. For SMTP probes, a string to
compare the banner against. Failure to find this string means the monitor will report a down status.
- string
contact_nickname — Name of contact to receive notifications.
- string
fqdn Fully qualified domain name of a node in the zone.
- string
zone Name of the zone.

SOAP Syntax
Click to view all SOAP Commands |
RecoverGSLB — Recover an existing GSLB service on the indicated zone/node.
RecoverGSLBIP — Recover a specific node IP from an existing GSLB service. |
RecoverGSLB — Used for addresses set to ‘Monitor and Obey’ with AutoRecovery Disabled. Equates to the Recover Now button on the web interface.
Click for More Info
string fqdn — Required. Name of the node where the service exists.
string token — Required. The session identifier.
string zone — Required. Name of the zone where the service exists.
RecoverGSLBIP — Used to recover addresses removed due to failover when the address(es) are set to ‘Monitor and Remove’.
Click for More Info
string fqdn — Required. Name of the node where the service exists.
string token — Required. The session identifier.
string zone — Required. Name of the zone where the service exists.
string address — Required. IPv4 address or FQDN of the node IP to recover.
Response (both RecoverGSLB and RecoverGSLBIP) — Click for More Info
- hash
- string
active — Y if the service is active. N if the service is inactive.
- string
status — The current state of the service.
Valid states:
unk – The service state is not yet known.
ok – There are no problems with the service.
trouble – One or more node_ips are reporting down.
failover – The number of okay node_ips has fallen below failover_count. The service has failed over.
- string
auto_recover — Indicates whether the service should automatically come out of failover or wait in failover mode to be reset by a user.
Y Service should come out of failover automatically when IPs come back up.
N Service should stay in failover until a user explicitly takes the service out of failover.
- string
ttl — Time To Live in seconds of records in the service. Must be less than 1/2 of the Health Probe’s monitoring interval.
- string
notify_events — A comma separated list of what events trigger notifications.
Valid values:
ip – Send notifications when individual IPs change status.
svc – Send notifications when the service state changes.
nosrv – Send notifications when an IP labeled ‘Do Not serve’ changes status.
NOTE: SYSLOG Notifications will come from one or both of these IP Addresses: — or —
- string
recovery_delay — The number of consecutive monitoring intervals to delay before placing an IP address back in service. Defaults to 0.
- string
syslog_server — The Hostname or IP address of a server to receive syslog notifications on monitoring events.
- string
syslog_port — The port that the remote syslog server is listening on. Defaults to 514.
- string
syslog_ident — The ident to use when sending syslog notifications. Defaults to dynect.
- string
syslog_facility — The syslog facility to use when sending syslog notifications. Defaults to daemon. Valid Values: kern, user, mail, daemon, auth, syslog, lpr, news, uucp, cron, authpriv, ftp, ntp, security, console, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7
- array
region — A list of regions.
- string
serve_count — How many records will be returned in each DNS response.
- string
min_healthy — If this many addresses aren’t ‘ok’, the service will go into failover; Defaults to 1.
- string
failover_mode — How the region should failover. Defaults to global.
Valid values:
ip – Failover to a particular IP.
cname – Failover to a particular CNAME.
region – Failover to a particular region.
global – Failover to the global IP address pool.
- string
failover_data — Dependent upon failover_mode .
ip – If failover_mode is ‘ip’, this should be an IP address.
cname – If failover_mode is ‘cname’, this should be a CNAME.
region – If failover_mode is ‘region’, this should be a region_code of the failover target region.
global – If failover_mode is ‘global’, this should be empty or omitted.
- string
region_code — Name of the region.
Valid values: US West, US Central, US East, EU West, EU Central, EU East, Asia, global
- array
pool — The IP Pool list for this region.
- string
address — The IP address or FQDN of this Node IP.
- string
label — A descriptive string describing this IP.
- string
weight — A number from 1-15 describing how often this record should be served. Higher means more.
- string
serve_mode — Sets the behavior of this particular record.
Valid values:
always – Always serve this IP address.
obey – Serve this address based upon its monitoring status.
remove – Serve this address based upon its monitoring status. However, if it goes down, don’t automatically bring it back up when monitoring reports it up.
no – Never serve this IP address
- string
status — The current state of the Node IP.
Valid values:
unk – The state of the IP address is not yet known.
up – The IP address is up.
down – The IP address is down.
- array
log — Recent monitoring logs for this IP.
- string
status — The state of the Node IP at the time of the log entry.
unk – The state of the IP address is not yet known.
up – The IP address is up.
down – The IP address is down.
- string
message — If status is ‘down’, an error message explaining the failure.
- string
time — The time or probe interval when this log entry was generated.
- string
site_code — The airport code of the monitoring site that generated this log entry.
- string
status — The current state of the region.
Valid states:
unk – The service state is not yet known.
ok – There are no problems with the service.
trouble – One or more node_ips are reporting down.
failover – The number of okay node_ips has fallen below failover_count. The service has failed over.
- hash
monitor — The health monitor for the service.
- string
protocol — The protocol to monitor.
- string
interval — How often to run the monitor.
Valid values:
1 – Every minute
5 – Every 5 minutes
10 – Every 10 minutes
15 – Every 15 minutes
- string
retries — How many retries the monitor should attempt on failure before giving up.
- string
timeout — How much time (in seconds) before the connection attempt times out.
- string
port — For HTTP(S)/SMTP/TCP probes, an alternate connection port.
- string
path — For HTTP(S) probes, a specific path to request.
- string
host — For HTTP(S) probes, a value to pass in to the Host: header.
- string
header — For HTTP(S) probes, additional header fields/values to pass in, separated by the newline character (\n).
- string
expected — For HTTP(S) probes, a string to search for in the response. For SMTP probes, a string to compare the banner against. Failure to find this string means the monitor will report a down status.
- string
contact_nickname — Name of contact to receive notifications.
- string
fqdn Fully qualified domain name of a node in the zone.
- string
zone Name of the zone.
Example Request (RecoverGSLB) — Click for More Info
'zone' => '',
'fqdn' => '',
'token' => 'asdlj34ot879834cdzjklfK',
Example Request (RecoverGSLBIP) — Click for More Info
'zone' => '',
'fqdn' => '',
'token' => 'asdlj34ot879834cdzjklfK',
'address' => '',
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