The Inventory Report lists the alerts for that inventory, breaks them into categories, and provides a link to the Alerts Report for the alerting asset.
Filters, Assets, and Alert Types |
ASN or Prefix Alerting Assets |
Filter Assets – Enter a limiting value to filter the asset list to those items that match the value entered. |
Displays a list of ASN or Prefix objects, the current alerts, and the City and Country location of the object, if applicable. |
Filter Alert Types – Reasons an ASN or Prefix records an alert.
Prefix Alert Types:
Hijack – the prefix is announced by an ASN that is not on its list of allowed origins.
Hijacked Subprefix – one of the more specific (sub) prefixes contained in a larger prefix is announced by an ASN that is not on the prefix’s list of allowed origins.
Newly Routed – the moniotored prefix was previously unrouted.
Newly Routed Subprefix – a subprefix of the monitored prefix was previously unrouted.
Outage – the prefix, normally announced by an ASN, is withdrawn.
Instability – at least 20% of our peers have observed at least 5 announcements and/or withdrawals for at least 5 minutes.
ASN Alert Types:
New Origination – the monitored ASN is originating a new prefix. |
Click the colored circle in the Alerts column to view the alert in greater detail. |
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