inadyn is a C based client used to update DNS entries. This client works with all of our services as well as services provided by some of our competitors. inadyn was written by inarcis. More information can be found at InaTech.

Download: The most recent version of inadyn we have vetted can be downloaded here.

IP Detection

inadyn supports detecting the public IP address via our CheckIP service.

System Compatibility

inadyn officially runs on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, and OpenBSD.

Configuration File

Update Client Configurator – Generate your conf file after reading how to run inadyn

inadyn can be configured by command line options or by a configuration file. A default configuration file is /etc/inadyn.conf under Unix systems. The location of the config file can be given to inadyn via the --input_file option.

Example 1

inadyn can be run directly from the command line like so:

inadyn --username test --password test --update_period_sec 600 --alias
inadyn -u test -p test --update_period_sec 600 --dyndns_system --alias your.domain.tld

Example 2

Here is a basic template which provides the various options available.

update_period_sec 600 # Check for a new IP every 600 seconds
# Enter your Dyn username and password here
username your-login
# your Dyn username
password your-password
# your Dyn password
# What kind of host is being updated? Choices are,,

Example 3

Here is a minimal inadyn.conf file designed to update a single dynamic DNS host.

# Basic configuration file for inadyn
# /etc/inadyn.conf
update_period_sec 600 # Check for a new IP every 600 seconds
username test
password test

Issues To Be Aware Of

  • The DynDNS update protocol supports MX, BACKMX, WILDCARD and OFFLINE options, but inadyn does not support these. Entering these options in the inadyn.conf file will result in inadyn failing.
  • inadyn currently only supports updates via http. Updates over https are not supported at this time.
  • inadyn only supports updating hosts for one system type at a time. dyndns, statdns, and custom cannot be mixed within the same configuration file.
  • Running inadyn from the command line is a security risk because your password will show up in the process table. Be careful if you run it on a machine with multiple users.