Identified answers are filtered by the policy rules and then made available for DNS query responses.

Use these instructions to create, update, or delete an answer.

Add an Answer

Click on the graphic to enlarge the picture.


Click the check box on the left of an existing policy to expand the panel on the right.

Click Manage Policy to open the view.


Policy Add Answer view
To add a new answer click Add. Add button
To Add an Answer:

Complete the fields to add an answer. Not all fields are required.

Name(ID): Enter a name to identify the answer within the policy.

RData (required): Enter any valid domain name or IP Address to add as an answer.

Asset: (optional) Drop-down box to select a Cloud zone or CDN. When both Asset and Data Center are specified, availability refers to the asset listed here.

Data Center: (optional) Drop-down box to select a Cloud zone or CDN. When both Asset and Data Center are specified, latency refers to the data center listed here.

Click the Add button to add the new answer to the policy. Add Answer button
Click Publish Changes to save the Policy Answers list.

Click Discard Changes to undo any non-published changes.

Discard or Publish button

Update or Change an Answer

Answers cannot be updated to changed. They can only be deleted and recreated.

To Update or Change an Answer:

1. Open the policy and set the toggle to Edit mode. Dynamic_Steering_Edit_Policy
2. Click the three dots beside the answer you want to edit, then select Edit Answer. Dynamic_Steering_Edit_Answer
3. Make your changes, then click Update. Dynamic_Steering_Update_Answer

Delete an Answer

Click on the graphic to enlarge the picture.


Click the check box on the left of an existing policy to expand the panel on the right.

Click Answers to open the view.


Policy View
Click the ‘X’ next to the answer to delete.

The answer will disappear from the Answers list.

Click Publish Changes to save the Policy Answers list.

Click Discard Changes to undo any non-published changes.

Discard or Publish button