Duo Security


Download the SSL certificate to provide Dyn

In order to setup Duo with Dyn, you will need to retrieve you server’s SSL certificate and provide it to Dyn.

1. Login to your Duo Access Security Console.
2. Click Applications. DUO_Dag_02
3. In the Metadata section at the bottom of the page, click Download certificate. DUO_Dag_03
4. Contact Dyn’s Customer Success team and provide them with the certificate to setup the necessary credentials to link Duo to your Dyn account.


How to Integrate Duo Security with Dyn

1. Login to your Duo account at Duo.com and select Applications from the side-menu. DUO_UI_01
2. Click Protect an Application and select SAML – Service Provider from the list of applications. This will allow you to setup SAML for a generic application. DUO_UI_02
4. Type in “Dyn” as the Service provider name. DUO_UI_04
5. Contact Dyn’s Customer Success team for your Entity ID and Assertion Consumer Service URL. Reference the table below on how to format each element.

NOTE: You company name should be lowercase within the Entity ID and Assertion Consumer Service URL.

Entity ID urn:auth0:dyn:duosecurity-{yourcompanyname} urn:auth0:dyn:duosecurity-acme
Assertion Consumer Service URL https://dyn.auth0.com/login/callback?connection=duosecurity-{yourcompanyname} https://dyn.auth0.com/login/callback?connection=duosecurity-acme
6. In the IdP Attribute field, type in mail. In the SAML Response Attribute field type in email. DUO_UI_06
7. Click Save Configuration. DUO_UI_08
8. Once your configuration has been saved, download the JSON configuration file in the Next step prompt. DUO_UI_08
9. In the Duo Access Security Console on your server, click on Applications. In thex Configuration field, browse for the JSON configuration file you downloaded in the prior step, then click Upload. dag-upload-json_2x