If you have any questions about the invoice layout or information on your invoice, please contact our Billing Department (billing@dyn.com).
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Account Details
Date: When the invoice was created.
Account #: Your unique account number.
Invoice: Individually identifies this invoice.
Terms: These are the payment terms, determined by the most recent Order Form.
Payment Method: Your preferred payment method is displayed here. We accept payment by Credit Card, ACH, Wire Transfer, and Check.
Invoice Balance: The Invoice Balance matches the Amount due in the Charge Summary table.
Account Balance: The net of all open invoices on your account. The Account Balance reflects the Invoice Balance plus any other open (unpaid) invoices on the account. |
Bill To
The company name, invoice contact name, and the address as currently reflected on your account. Should you need to update your Bill To information, please contact our Billing Department. See contact information below.
Sold To State: Appears in the Bill To section if the items on the invoice are subject to sales tax.
Purchase Order: Optional. Appears in the Bill To section when provided. Identifies the PO number you included with your Order Form or subsequently forwarded to the Billing Department (billing@dyn.com). |
Charge Summary
Recurring Charges: The subtotal from the Recurring Charge Details table.
Proration Credits: The subtotal shown in the Proration Credit Details table.
Overage Charges: The subtotal from the Overage Details table.
One-Time Charges: The subtotal from the One-Time Charges table.
Sub Total: Total Charges and Credits before the Sales Tax is added, if applicable.
Tax Amount: Applicable Sales Tax charged based on your Sold To State.
Invoice Total: Total Charges, Credits, and Sales Tax.
Payments & Adjustments: Subtotal from the Payment Details table.
Amount Due: The total amount due for this invoice. |
Payment Information
Please Make Checks Payable & Mail To: All checks should be made payable as listed. Checks should be mailed to the address listed here.
Electronic Payment Information: For your convenience, we have included banking details for payments made by ACH or Wire Transfer. |
Recurring Charge Details
Lists the Service Period, Products, and quantities of your recurring fees for this invoice. All recurring fees are invoiced in advance in accordance with the invoice frequency per your Order Form.
NOTE: Proration Charges, if applicable, also appear in this table. See Proration Charges and Credits for more information.
The Sub Total amount in this table is the Recurring Charges amount in the Charge Summary table. |
Proration Charges and Credits
When a change to the scope of your services occurs mid–service period and you have previously received an invoice for that service period, Proration Charges and Credits will apply. The Proration Charges and Credits are calculated from the effective date of your Change Order.
The Proration Charges, reflecting the new fees per your Change Order, are added as of the effective date of your Change Order through the end of the service period previously invoiced. The Service Period and Products with proration charges are listed in the Recurring Charge Details table with “Proration” in the Product description.
The Proration Credits are applied to your account for the recurring fees previously invoiced that are no longer applicable as of the effective date of your Change Order. A credit is calculated from the effective date of the Change Order through the end of the service period previously invoiced. |

Overage Details
This table will only appear on your invoice if an overage is incurred. The Service Period refers to the first to last date of the usage cycle in which the overage occurred. The actual usage and the additional charge amount for any excess usage will be displayed. Overages are invoiced monthly in arrears.
Overage: An overage charge is defined in our Product Terms and Conditions as Excess Usage. Should you exceed the allotted usage specified in your order, you will be invoiced for the excess usage. |
Payment Details
This table displays any payments and/or adjustments applied to your invoice.
The Sub Total of this table is shown in the Charges Summary table as Payments & Adjustments. |
If you have any further questions about your invoice, please contact our Billing department at billing@dyn.com.
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