Attaching nodes to the Traffic Director service identify the end points where the service will monitor activity.


Attaching a Node to the Traffic Director Service

1. Click Advanced Traffic Management from the Add-Ons menu. GeoMon Advanced TM
2. Find the Traffic Director service to where the node will be added and click the Service Name. Traffic_Director_Svcs
3. The open the Traffic Director view.Find the Service Controls section of the Traffic Director Service. GeoMon_Service_GUI_Order
4. Click the expand button Expand Button next to Attached Nodes to view currently attached zone nodes. GeoMon_Attached_Nodes
5. Click Attach Node at the far right. GeoMon_Attach_Node_button
6. Use the following to complete the Attach Node fields:

Select Zone: Select the zone where the node is located.

Click the Select button to view all the nodes of the zone.



7. Click the box next to the node to attach to the Traffic Director Service. GeoMon_Node_List
8. Save the node to the Traffic Director Service or discard your changes. Save Button— Save the Node to the service.Delete Button — Delete to discard your changes.
9. Once the node is attached and saved, a blue bar will appear at the top of the screen offering you a choice to either Publish the changes or to Revert to the state prior to making your changes. Revert or Publish