Retrieve and update all Access Control Lists (ACLs) or one specific ACL. ACLs control access to the Managed DNS management interfaces, both UI and API.

REST Syntax

Click to view all REST Resources
/REST/CustomerIPACL/ PUT -or- POST — Updates one or all ACLs for your account.

HTTP Action — PUT -or- POST


Updates a single IPACL —<scope>/

Updates all ACLs —<scope>/
NOTE: scope is expected to be web or api. May be set in either or both of the URI arguments. If both are set, they must match.

Arguments —

  • string netmasks — comma or space-delimited list of netmasks, in CIDR form; no ‘/’ assumes exact address.
    NOTE: Set netmasks to an empty string `”` in order to delete that scope’s ACL (default web)
  • string active — Indicates whether this ACL is active.
    Valid values:
    Y = active (default)
    N = inactive
    NOTE: active sent without netmasks set will update that scope’s ACL to the value specified.
  • string scope — Identifies where this ACL applies. web will cover API interactions when there is no (or there is an inactive) api ACL.
    Valid values
    web = ACL controls access to the UI (found at, default.
    api = ACL controls access to the API (accessed by calls to
Response —

  • array acl — list of ACL information.
    • string netmasks — comma or space-delimited list of netmasks, in CIDR form; no ‘/’ assumes exact address.
      NOTE: Set netmasks to an empty string `”` in order to delete that scope’s ACL (default web)
    • string active — Indicates whether this ACL is active.
      Valid values:
      Y = active (default)
      N = inactive
      NOTE: active sent without netmasks set will update that scope’s ACL to the value specified.
    • string scope — Identifies where this ACL applies. web will cover API interactions when there is no (or there is an inactive) api ACL.
      Valid values
      web = ACL controls access to the UI (found at, default.
      api = ACL controls access to the API (accessed by calls to

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SOAP Syntax

Click to view all SOAP Commands
SetCustomerIPACL — Updates one or all ACLs for your account.
Arguments —

  • string customer_name — Retrieve ACLs for your account.
  • string netmasks — comma or space-delimited list of netmasks, in CIDR form; no ‘/’ assumes exact address.
    NOTE: Set netmasks to an empty string `”` in order to delete that scope’s ACL (default web)
  • string active — Indicates whether this ACL is active.
    Valid values:
    Y = active (default)
    N = inactive
    NOTE: active sent without netmasks set will update that scope’s ACL to the value specified.
  • string scope — Identifies where this ACL applies. web will cover API interactions when there is no (or there is an inactive) api ACL.
    Valid values
    web = ACL controls access to the UI (found at, default.
    api = ACL controls access to the API (accessed by calls to
  • string tokenRequired. The session identifier.
Response —

  • hash data
    • array acl — list of ACL information.
      • string netmasks — comma or space-delimited list of netmasks, in CIDR form; no ‘/’ assumes exact address.
        NOTE: Set netmasks to an empty string `”` in order to delete that scope’s ACL (default web)
      • string active — Indicates whether this ACL is active.
        Valid values:
        Y = active (default)
        N = inactive
        NOTE: active sent without netmasks set will update that scope’s ACL to the value specified.
      • string scope — Identifies where this ACL applies. web will cover API interactions when there is no (or there is an inactive) api ACL.
        Valid values
        web = ACL controls access to the UI (found at, default.
        api = ACL controls access to the API (accessed by calls to
  • string token — The session identifier.
Example Request — Click for More Info