Enabling Syslog on one of your nodes allows you to receive monitoring notifications in your Syslog in addition to email or SMS messages. When an IP fails, Syslog relays which IP failed, the health monitoring information of the IP, and the monitor that observed it.

Syslog notification format:
[host] rtt [interval]: [site] [median] "[response times]" [addresses>]


To enable Syslog on a node, follow these steps.

1. Log in to your Dyn Managed DNS account.
2. Click the Add-Ons tab and select Traffic Director (Real Time Traffic Manager) or Traffic Management (Traffic Manager) or Active Failover. Add-Ons menu
3. Choose the node where you want to enable Syslog. Syslog_02
4a. Real Time Traffic Manager: click Service Controls.

4b. Traffic Manager: scroll down to Service Controls.

5. Fill out the following fields:

  • Enabled: Click to activate Syslog notifications.
  • Host: The address of your syslog server.
  • Port: The port your syslog server is listening on.
  • Ident: How you’ll identify the information as being sent from Dyn’s Traffic Manager.
  • Facility: the type of program that will be logging the information on your syslog server.
6. Click Save Changes at the top of the page.